Parameter Urja-Disha Technology
End user Gangamai sugar, paithan
Customer Meru industries, pune
Boiler capacity 140 TPH, 72 kg/cm2, 505 +/-5 deg C.
Application Co-generation
Role Configuration, thermal & hydraulic design, structural analysis, piping analysis, control system design, code design.
Year of commissioning Feb 2013
Fuel 100% bagasse with biogas firing system provision to fire Indian coal
Construction Single drum type, membrane panel type furnace, top supported, outdoor installation, natural circulation, water cooled supports, drainable SH, pressure part designed as per ibr-1950, along with hp heater & hp Deareator.
Combustion system Drum extractor + screw feeding system, pneumatic spreading system for twin travelling grate, Over firing system – curtain type

2fd +2sa +2id fan configuration with PA & SA air heating system

Fuel handling system From RBC onward
Dedusting system Electro static precipitator with RCC stack


Wet submerge system for grate ash and multiple dry screw conveyor type conveyor type along with belt conveyor.
Control system DCS
Online tube cleaning system Auto steam soot blowing
Contact person Vasant k. Patwardhan
Contact no. 9421081696