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BF Gas & Air Preheating


Urja-Disha Boiler Technologies has the most reliable technology for waste heat recovery on the stove and has proved itself with some renowned steel companies. You go for it for improvement in the overall efficiency of the stove and improved performance of the blast furnace.

Effective utilization of hot waste gas from stove to heat BF gas and Combustion Air, It improves dome temperature (100 to 150°C) & hence blasts furnace performance also utilizes energy in waste gases which improve the thermal efficiency of stove system by 10 to 15% & the payback periods are very attractive, many times less than a year. Also helps to reduce CO emission.

The heating of BF gas needs very different design considerations for safety reasons. Dusty environment & system pressure drop is key to design & Urja-Disha is having vast experience in it & we have many successful installations from 20 mkcal/hr to 100 mkcal/hr duty.