Piping stress analysis by using CEASER-II software for very high-pressure & temperature piping connected to rotary equipment like turbines, pumps. Handled piping up to 52” size & up to 540°C temperature applications, for steam & thermic fluids We submit stress analysis report along with primary & secondary support arrangement, Hanger reports, etc. - PRESSURE VESSEL ENGINEERING:
Pressure vessel analysis by using MAWP software for ASME Sec-VIII Div-1 & 2, and in house developed software IS 2825. - FIRED HEATER ENGINEERING:
We do mechanical & structural engineering for API & Non-API fired heaters like Vertical cylindrical & Box constructions. We developed GA based on API datasheet, Analyze steel structure by using STAAD Pro software & Model complete equipment in TEKLA. We also design cast supports, tube sheets, ducting systems, etc. We have experience working with various global EPC companies for heating (Charge, CDU and VDU, etc.), cracking (EDC, etc.), and reforming (Steam, etc.). We also have good experience in ceramic & refractory engineering. Handled heaters up to 200 mkcal/hr duty. - FLOW-INDUCED VIBRATION:
We have expertisation & house developed software for the study of flow-induced vibrations of tube bundles due to gas moving over it. This analysis establishes a relation between tube natural frequency, acoustic frequency, Von Cormons frequency, Vortex frequency, Buffeting frequency at various operating cases & Predict possibilities of resonance if any & suggest breakers & stiffeners to avoid any occurrence of it.
Special Engineering